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The useSessionList() hook returns an array of Session objects that have been registered on the client device.


import { useSessionList } from "@clerk/nextjs"; export default function Home() { const { isLoaded, sessions} = useSessionList(); if (!isLoaded) { // handle loading state return null; } return ( <div> <p>Welcome back. You have been here {sessions.length} times before. </p> </div> ) }
import { useSessionList } from "@clerk/clerk-react"; export default function Home() { const { isLoaded, sessions} = useSessionList(); if (!isLoaded) { // handle loading state return null; } return ( <div> <p>Welcome back. You have been here {sessions.length} times before. </p> </div> ) }
isLoadedA boolean that is set to false until Clerk loads and initializes.
setActive()A function that sets the active session.
setSession() (deprecated)Deprecated in favor of setActive().
sessionsHolds an array of Session objects that have been registered on the client device.

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